Any Additional pick ups or drops on the return journey not already arranged to be charged at standard taxi mileage rate.
It is the operators / drivers discretion as to how long the company waits for late parties on return journeys.
We reserve the right to send alternative vehicles,
when due to circumstances beyond our control we cannot send the vehicle ordered.
i.e. due to breakdown or accidental damage of larger vehicle, two smaller vehicles may be utilised at no extra cost.
Consumption of food, drink, drugs and smoking is prohibited in any vehicle.
It is the drivers discretion to refuse travel to any persons apperaing too intoxicated to travel or displaying any type of abusive behaviour.
Customer in charge of booking to be responsible for any damages or soiling of any type caused by their party.
Any extra waiting time will be charged at current Chorley Borough rates until departure from airport or venue.
Airport return journeys. We rely on flight information via the internet or telephone.
We cannot be held responsible for wrong information or late updates.
If you know before departure you are having a long delay please contact our office with advance notice.
We will do our upmost to arrange a taxi to arrive at the airport allowing up to half an hour after landing for collection of luggage.
It is imperative one of your party contacts Coopers taxi office if any problems arise due to baggage handling or passport control.
Customers must check their text messages from Coopers text back service,
which include booking confirmations, changes, progress updates plus a point of contact when calls cannot be made.
Customers can also download our app to view a booking.
If you notice any details are incorrect in your booking confirmations or on the app,
the customer must call the office at their earliest convenience.